Join us for 2 new show opening receptions. These are in conjunction with the Mill Valley Art Commission First Tuesday Art Walk. Phyllis Thelen will give a short talk at 5 pm about her Climate Crisis show "living with climate change...or Not!" 5:30 - 7:00 receptions. ALL WELCOME! Both venues will host life music!
For all writers. The process is supportive and not academic. Our goal is to elicit strong, beautiful, honest writing through encouragement, feedback, and practice.
Join with OHCA resident poet Cruwys Brown and 2010-2012 Poet Laureate of Marin County, CB Follett for an afternoon of poetry exploration, reading and discussion.
Advanced ticket no longer available but you can purchase at the door. Door opens at 4:30 TODAY :P T A Sunday Salon Special Evening: The Singer Songwriter “Sessions” Sunday September 8th - Doors at 4:40 pm, Show at 5:00 pm $20, Max 50 ppl Come and enjoy an evening of original music by the […]
Using Ann O’Hanlon’s book, seeing/perception, as inspiration, Cayen and Candis lead discussions of what we see when we look at the artworks of others or our own.
Drawing on mindfulness practices and Buddhist perspectives, we attend to the breath and present moment awareness, so that we may step back from inciting thoughts and emotions, loosen the grip of the past, and open to silence.
For all writers. The process is supportive and not academic. Our goal is to elicit strong, beautiful, honest writing through encouragement, feedback, and practice.
Wabi Sabi Photography Workshop with Jackie La Lanne Thursday, September 12th, 12:30 pm - 3:00 pm Meet in the Loft Bring a camera of your choice to explore O'Hanlon and the surrounds searching for "wabi-sabi". We will be looking for images that express the philosophy of rustic simplicity taking pleasure in the imperfect, incomplete, and […]
Set aside your inhibitions and learn to draw! In this beginner class, we will learn the basics of drawing using a variety of materials, techniques, and methods.
Drawing on mindfulness practices and Buddhist perspectives, we attend to the breath and present moment awareness, so that we may step back from inciting thoughts and emotions, loosen the grip of the past, and open to silence.
For all writers. The process is supportive and not academic. Our goal is to elicit strong, beautiful, honest writing through encouragement, feedback, and practice.
Join with OHCA resident poet Cruwys Brown and 2010-2012 Poet Laureate of Marin County, CB Follett for an afternoon of poetry exploration, reading and discussion.
A mask can instantly transform a person into someone or something else. Since humans first walked on earth, making masks has been one of the
earliest forms of art.
“We learn nothing from the things we know.” John Cage Wabi-Sabi focuses on the wisdom of Nature, sensory experience, intuition and an appreciation of the evanescence of life. Wabi Sabi perspectives remind us that all things are imperfect, impermanent, flawed and incomplete. Just like we are! Bring your iPad, your notepad, your sketch pad, journal, poetry, art […]
Set aside your inhibitions and learn to draw! In this beginner class, we will learn the basics of drawing using a variety of materials, techniques, and methods.
Using Ann O’Hanlon’s book, seeing/perception, as inspiration, Cayen and Candis lead discussions of what we see when we look at the artworks of others or our own.
Drawing on mindfulness practices and Buddhist perspectives, we attend to the breath and present moment awareness, so that we may step back from inciting thoughts and emotions, loosen the grip of the past, and open to silence.
For all writers. The process is supportive and not academic. Our goal is to elicit strong, beautiful, honest writing through encouragement, feedback, and practice.
Set aside your inhibitions and learn to draw! In this beginner class, we will learn the basics of drawing using a variety of materials, techniques, and methods.
Drawing on mindfulness practices and Buddhist perspectives, we attend to the breath and present moment awareness, so that we may step back from inciting thoughts and emotions, loosen the grip of the past, and open to silence.
For all writers. The process is supportive and not academic. Our goal is to elicit strong, beautiful, honest writing through encouragement, feedback, and practice.
Join with OHCA resident poet Cruwys Brown and 2010-2012 Poet Laureate of Marin County, CB Follett for an afternoon of poetry exploration, reading and discussion.
Please join us to celebrate this 20th anniversary exhibition dedicated to the memory of photographer Rhonda Dubin. Reception Saturday Oct 5 from 3:00 - 5:00 pm This show has 88 works - 3 of which are outside the Gallery. The Wong exhibit in the Loft will be open as well.