President’s Message

In this issue of Diorama we introduce our newest board member, Naomi Tamura. As you may know, the membership is always asked to ratify board members, and we hope you will vote “yes” after you read about Naomi’s special talents and qualifications. She is particularly interested in programming and will be working with Erma, our Director of Programs and Outreach.

I’m delighted to announce that our board member Scott Adams has arranged a wonderful half-day trip April 26th to Oliver Ranch Foundation in Geyserville, where art collector Stephen Oliver will personally lead a tour around the extensive grounds of  his outstanding collection, which includes Andy Goldsworthy, Dennis Leon, Bruce Nauman, and Martin Puryear, among many others. (Opportunities to tour the Ranch are limited and we expect to fill ours).

Oliver Ranch Foundation generously offers tours to non-profit organizations and all monies over transportation and logistical costs go directly to the non-profits. Scott researched what other groups charge, and our rates are lower than most. We offer our members a special price of $75 per ticket; the non-member price is $100.

**Caution: the 2.5 mile walking tour is somewhat hilly, so participants should be in good health. We plan to stop at a winery after our tour to eat our own bag lunches and if desired, taste wines (though we will provide sparkling water). Our chartered Airporter bus will leave from and return to San Rafael. Email Erma Murphy at to reserve your place! To learn more about our destination, go to

We held a finance meeting for members on February 3rd, and at that time questions pertaining to our Profit/Loss Treasurer’s Report were satisfactorily discussed. If you want a copy of the report, email Center Director Kellan Christopher,

Although the deck project has moved slowly, it is coming to fruition. Bids from contractors will be solicited in March, and we hope to start demolition and foundation work by April. Thanks to everyone for your patience and good will.

Abby Wasserman

Board President

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New Board Member: Naomi Tamura

Naomi was recently selected for OHCA’s Board of Directors. According to O’Hanlon Bylaws, members are asked to ratify all new board members election. A ballot is attached to print and mail, or Click here to send your vote via Email.

Here is Naomi’s bio.

As a Bay Area resident for over 20 years, and a Lovell Avenue resident for 13 years, Naomi Tamura has been involved in a variety of creative and community endeavors, from volunteer efforts to practicing a variety of visual arts mediums around the Bay Area.

After graduating from Scripps College with a Studio Arts Degree, Naomi worked professionally as a graphic designer /art director in both print and online advertising.  After a brief stint as a freelancer, Naomi joined Netcentives, Inc., an online incentives marketing company, as their in-house Senior Art Director. At Netcentives, she built and managed a team of designers that developed the visuals for their product and all out-bound marketing communications for their flagship product, as well as various in-house special projects.

After the death of her eldest son, Walker, in 2011, Naomi chose to concentrate on family life and more philanthropic projects. In conjunction with Youth in Arts, she developed the Walker Rezaian Creative HeArts Fund to honor the spirit of her son, who loved to create art together in their small studio space at home. The Creative HeArts Fund provides one year of a visual arts program for a selected school’s kindergarten class. The program centers on the theme of friendship and includes a parent/family night and a teacher workshop, and culminates in an art show held at the Youth in Arts offices in San Rafael. All Title 1 schools in Marin County can apply for this grant and are selected based on level of interest, enthusiasm for art, community involvement and, of course, need.

Locally, Naomi, who has a seven-year-old son at Old Mill School, has been heavily involved in the PTA, volunteering in the classroom and helping with various subcommittees.  Most notably, she was responsible for volunteer coordination for the OMS Lapathon 2014, which is the largest fundraising and volunteer event at Old Mill School. Recently Naomi also joined the Arts Committee of Kiddo! and is currently working with the Mill Valley Library Foundation on the Storybook Ball. In 2014, she served on the board of the Storybook Ball Committee as Community Outreach Chair. Her team responsibilities included contacting schools, organizing the “Storybooks on the Square” event, interfacing with the city regarding procuring city services for the events, and some marketing.

Looking forward to her involvement as the newest member of the O’Hanlon Board of Directors, Naomi hopes to help the Center attract more families while honoring the traditions and creative knowledge of its long-time members. She notes that capturing young folks’ involvement at an earlier stage of family life will help our Center in the long run by generating and keeping interests that align with the changing and vibrant community of Mill Valley.


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Our current Gallery show, “Black and White and Shades of Gray, juried by Barry Peterson, is receiving rave reviews from early viewers. Jeremy Thornton and Emily Wong have done an amazing job with this challenging installation. You can view a ‘sneak peak’ on Facebook!

Member Elizabeth Flanagan’s artwork is on display in the Loft this month, and will include her jewelry during the opening reception.

Please join us for the Artist Roundtable and Reception this coming Tuesday March 3. Roundtable led by Dick Brown is 4-6pm, and the Reception is 6-8pm.

The special drop-in craft project will be Black and White Flowers, facilitated by Elaine James. Stop by the Loft lower studios during the reception to find this ‘hidden gem’ of an experience.

Erma has again arranged wonderful live music for the Reception, provided by pianist Judy Hall. Judy’s style is very eclectic, influenced by pop, latin, jazz, blues and show music. Judy was the pianist for the Seafood Peddler for 13 years, and solo and special events at Nordstrom’s for 16 years and currently performs regularly at the Panama Hotel, the Sausalito Seahorse, 19 Broadway,  Sam’s in Novato and Pier 23 in San Francisco.

Our next Gallery show is Composing Chaos.  Get your pieces ready!  Drop-off dates are Mar 27 & 28.  This show will be juried by Chester Arnold.

See the Call for Entries for  full details.


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O’Hanlon depends on volunteer participation in so many areas, so we are especially grateful to the following people who have assisted recently:

•   Richard & Nancy Head have been coordinating with several electricians to get the Kiln back in working shape. We hope to reopen Koya for ceramics again soon!

•   Melinda DiSessa continues to assist with updating many of our online listings for shows and events.

•   Jim Vogel is in the process of providing much needed repair to the Potting Shed studio.

•  Gallery Intake (B&W show): Virginia Stella, Thomas Mullin, Zwanda Cook

• Jerry Pruce Gallery show assistance: Peller Marion, Lucky Shulman


We’re always looking for more volunteers…please send Kellan and Erma a note if there is some area in which you have special skills where you might assist us!


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We welcome the following New Members!

Harry Leipe, Carol Ponzio, Suzan Aiken & Kirby Hutson family, Naomi Tamura, Sherry Williamson, Kathleen Sloan family, Lyn Coffey, Glenda Gentry, Mardi Horowitz, Mike Mattesi family, Sarah Morrison.

… and Thank You to these members who have recently renewed:

Brooke Passano, Kristin Gordon, Denise Meehan, Barbara Miller, Pamela Will, Eva Reale, Victoria Bour & David Marshall, Candis Cousins, Bernard Weiner, Phyllis Pansegrau, Carolyn Planakis, Jessica Batha, Elizabeth Addison, Elizabeth Flanagan, Kristen McCormack.


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We are beginning to request support in various forms from Local Businesses. We will highlight them here from time-to-time, and also list them on our website. We hope you will consider supporting them in return!

Equator Coffees & Teas is now providing a monthly in-kind donation of coffee… which you may see in the Loft kitchen (help yourself!) Equator has two locations in Mill Valley, downtown & Shoreline Hwy.

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Member Linda Wong has a show coming up in March in Napa:

March 3-30, 2015 (Opening Night is Friday, March 13th from 6:00-7:30 p.m.)

Napa Public Library, 580 Coombs St., Napa, CA. 94559

Member Evan Harrar will be exhibiting recent photographs in two locations for the next two months:

MARCH: Coldwell Banker, 25 E. Blythedale Ave, Mill Valley

APRIL: Noci Gelateria, 17 E. Blythedale Ave, Mill Valley

All are welcome to stop by during the Mill Valley ARTWALK (1st Tuesday) of each month, 6 – 8pm.

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Thanks and Best Wishes to All,

Kellan Christopher, Center Director
Erma Murphy, Director of Programs & Outreach


The mission of the O’Hanlon Center for the Arts in Mill Valley
 is to provide programs, studio space, exhibitions and experiences that
honor individual creativity, develop artistic practice, and build community.