From the Board
We had a wonderful Members Meeting on January 6, attended by 50 members, followed by a Roundtable discussion in the O’Hanlon and Loft galleries and an opening reception, during which Jonathan Schiele and new member Larry Stefl played beautiful music and new member Shepherd Bliss performed two poems, one of his own and one by Mary Oliver. The 2015 Members Show is in three venues this year, including City Hall. It illustrates the diverse talents of 60 of our artist-members.
Since the 2014 Treasurer’s Report wasn’t finished in time for the Members Meeting, we are calling a special meeting at 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, February 3rd in the Loft to distribute the report and discuss income and expenses in 2014. We will also share information about the status of our endowment fund, which is under new management. All Members are invited to attend.
Abby Wasserman, Board President
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New Board Member: Judy Geiger
Judy was recently selected for OHCA’s Board of Directors. According to O’Hanlon Bylaws, members are asked to ratify all new board members election. Here is Judy’s bio.
Judy Geiger has been a member of O’Hanlon for four years, since she started attending Cayen Robertson’s Creativity Class soon after retiring from Oracle Corporation as a Technical Writer and Training Developer. Having taken numerous ceramic and watercolor classes at the College of Marin, Judy saw that Cayen’s class offered an opportunity to make new friends and further explore her creative side. She soon enrolled in Cayen’s Monoprint Class and Abby Wasserman’s writing class. Her work has been displayed in several shows in the O’Hanlon Gallery, the Loft, and Mill Valley Community Center. She enjoys trying out new materials and techniques, as well as learning from her fellow artists. Judy has taken other classes at O’Hanlon along the way and often volunteers to help out at O’Hanlon events. She continues to be inspired by this magical place.
Judy was born in Paris, TX and grew up in New Mexico, Texas, and New Brunswick, Canada. She has a bachelor’s degree in Education and a Master of Business Administration degree that she attained while raising her three daughters and working in the computer industry. She has lived in Fairfax for 17 years.
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Gallery Updates:
Support your fellow member Jerry Pruce in his solo Gallery show “Abstractions” and member Jennifer Tatum in the Loft, opening January 27, by coming to the Roundtable discussion on Tuesday, February 3 at 4pm and staying for the opening.
Our next Gallery show is “Black & White and Shades of Gray.” Get your pieces ready! Drop-off is Feb 20 and 21. This show is juried by Sausalito ICB artist and architect Barry Peterson.
The Call to Artists can be viewed here
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Please introduce a friend to the Center.
Many people are not aware that O’Hanlon is open to the public. Bring someone to the First Tuesday Roundtable or to one of our wonderful classes. We need your help spreading the word. We believe that once they come they will be captivated by the Center’s magic!
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Thinking ahead to Valentines Week:
We have several really wonderful events and workshops. Give your sweetheart a creative gift. On Wednesday, February 11 there is DATE NIGHT at the O’Hanlon! Make art together, bring a bottle of wine and play! We will provide the chocolate.
On Friday February 13 there is a special Sufi Poetry and Wisdom event hosted by Ellen Hammerle free and open to the public from 7 to 8:30 in the Loft.
On Sunday the 15th there will be the first Sunday Salon co-hosted by Murphy Productions in the Gallery from 5-8. This creative cauldron conceived by Daniel Patrick will celebrate the “Art of Love” with presenters in spoken word, dance, music and art. Many of the presenters are members and well known Marinites A Pot luck will end the evening so please bring a dish to share.
Information and registration for all events are on our website calendar.
Very Special THANK YOU to our Winter 2014 Fundraiser Donors:
Dick Brown
Abby Wasserman
Jane Reed Veen
Joseph Hayes
Miriam Licht
Patricia Kelly
Robert Wright
Linda Arroyan
Kristin Gordon
Zoe Borkowski
Meredith Bruce
Donald & Gerry Beers
Elizabeth Jennings
Gail Gilbert
Brooke Passano
Joan Sadler
Jeane Gilliam
Vicki Block
Denise Meehan
Eileen Worthley
Margery Kreitman
Kathy Sloan & Mike Moser
Jessica Oduyer
Maureen Labro/Saviore Faire
Bruce Kerns
Victoria S Bour
Coming Soon…
In early-to-mid February, look for a special edition member’s update from the Board, regarding the status of the Deck repair project!
Finally, many thanks to all the people who have offered their kind words of welcome and support to us as we settle into our new staff roles here at O’Hanlon. We are honored to be a part of this amazing organization!
Kellan Christopher, Center Director
Erma Murphy, Director of Programs & Outreach
is to provide programs, studio space, exhibitions and experiences that
honor individual creativity, develop artistic practice, and build community.