Happy Summer from OHCA
We are in our 2nd week of Summer Art Camp for Kids and the place is buzzing with creativity. We love to host the young artists and I believe they are loving it too. Our Koya ceramic studio is back to work and soon Adult ceramic classes will be offered. Please sing up for and read your weekly emails to make sure you know about all that is on offer!
There is some activity in the area below the LOFT as Stephen Hayes is painting the Winged Victory. She will be here for a few months so come by and check out the progress. The work will be for sale after the fun here.
Our annual Women Artist Making Their Mark online show is up and spectacular. Please visit it HERE.
August is our month to host Zoe Caron our 2024 Artist in Residence. Zoe who is both and artist AND biologist, presented at the July 21 Summer “light” Salon on the subject of bioluminescence and photosynthesis! See photo below. We will also be hosting The Cedars Studio Artists in the Gallery in August. Please come to the opening Reception and Talk on August 6 at 5pm! This show was sponsored by GIVING MARIN!
Our mid summer member social is Aug 10 – live music food and fun for ALL members. Not a member yet? Not to late to JOIN!
Please reach out to the office with any question or concerns. OHCA is for all of us!
Erma Murphy

Zoe Caron speaking at Sunday Salon.