January 4 – February 8, 2021
Peller is the kind of person who after swimming to shore following an eighteen foot shark attack finds herself comforting the hysterical onlooker. She’s brave and honest like a stand-up comic using humor and irony to express life’s difficult events in the midst of a crisis. Her paintings, collected here, are full of energy and spontaneity – unafraid to be emotional. They are not easy listening. They are visual jam sessions. The reward is in allowing the viewer to be in the complexity of the mark making.
Peller’s approach to making art, which she has shared in her workshops at O’Hanlon Center for the Arts is to give oneself permission to create by allowing visual elements to emerge without judgement and, to avoid premature decisions of the painting’s outcome or meaning. In this process her art has many layers with its own rich history and archeology containing an authentic visual language that expresses who she is and what she feels. You need strength and humor to survive life’s crises.
When we allow ourselves to look more deeply into Peller’s art, we have a better understanding of ourselves and the times we all live in.

Peller Marion has a doctorate at University of Massachusetts in Psychology. She holds a masters degree from University of Washington and an undergraduate degree from Skidmore College, New York.
She is a management consulting psychologist to corporations. (www.pellermarion.com). She has led workshops at Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California. She was on the graduate faculty at Dominican University of California, San Rafael, California, and is a registered Gestalt Art Therapist. Peller was a professor and pioneer in creating The Human Development and Art Therapy program at Lesley University, Cambridge.(www.pellermarion.com). She has led workshops at Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California is on the graduate faculty at Dominican University of California, San Rafael, California, and is a registered Gestalt Art Therapist. She was a board member of The Mill Valley Art Commission.
Art Exhibits include University of California, Lesley University, Esalen Institute, D’Pietro Todd, 101 California Street, Wild Carrots, Skidmore College, University of Washington, Tiburon Community Congregational Church, Marin Community Foundation, The City of Mill Valley Art Council Shows, The City of Mill Valley Public Library, Peace Corp, Wn, D.C., Newark Museum.
Dr. Marion published five books: two novels, two nonfiction popular business books, and a memoir.(www.artemisartslibrary.com). In addition, she had numerous one woman and group shows in California and nationally.
Dr. Marion has been on CNN, CBS and Delta Airlines Audio Tapes in Flight Business News. She was written about in USA Today, Wall Street Journal, Fortune Magazine and The Chicago Tribune. She writes for several Bay Area professional journals and publishes the quarterly Corporate Transitions Newsletter, a publication for business people on trends and issues in management today.
She has spoken and led workshops at corporations and professional societies about creative approaches to career transitions and mid-career/mid-life issues. She has written Crisis Proof Your Career. Birch Lane Press, New York, 1993. It was selected for the Fortune Magazine Book Selection Of The Month Club, Career Tune Up, 2005; and two novels: Searching For The G Spot and Shopping Lessons. Her memoir Shark Attack and Other Mishaps was published in 2019.
Dr. Peller Marion, the former president and member of The O’Hanlon Center for the Arts since 1988. She served on the Board of Directors, and is currently the treasurer.
For many years, she hosted The Artists’ Roundtable at the Center on the first Tuesday of each month (www.ohanloncenter.com), and leads Writing From The Heart for San Rafael Library and OHCA.
Art and text © 2021 Peller Marion
All proceeds for the sale of her artwork will go to The O’Hanlon Center.
For more information: www.pellermarion.com or pellermarion@gmail.com