Magic of Mirth
O’Hanlon Center Gallery, May 2018
Entry Dates: April 20 & 21 (by-hand delivery; see below)
Exhibition Dates: April 26 – May 24, 2018
Jurors: Sue Walden & Peller Marion
Entry Fee: $30 OHCA members, $40 non-members, for up to three pieces. Become a new OHCA member at the time of delivery and get your entry fee waived! Call or visit for more details.
Click here for more details on membership.
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For our May 2018 Gallery exhibit “Magic of Mirth,” we’re in search of the unexpected! For example… Miro, Klee, and Chagall brought us the zany, amusing, and magical to their art. We invite you to find your playful inner child, create something that surprises, delights, and creates a smile on your face and others. Living through challenging times calls for a sense of humor.
Sculptural and 3D pieces are welcome.
Contemporary, expressionistic, abstract, exploratory, and/or experimental entries encouraged.
O’Hanlon Center for the Arts emphasizes the creative process and the continued pursuit of meaning and authenticity through observation, exploration, and experimentation.
MEDIA: All Media
- Open to all artists age 16 and over.
- Submission limit: 3 works per artist.
- Please do not submit works previously displayed in the O’Hanlon Gallery.
- All work must be ready for display.
- Wall hung pieces must be securely wired.
- Label all work with Artist’s name, Telephone, Medium, Size & Price, if for sale.
- Bring resume and/or artist statement, if desired. (2 pages max.)
On Entry Dates shown below… please hand-deliver (no slides or digital submissions) up to three pieces of work to: O’Hanlon Center for the Arts • 616 Throckmorton Avenue, Mill Valley CA 94941
TIMELINE | Day | Date | Time |
Entry Dates (in-person): | Friday Saturday |
April 20 April 21 |
11 am – 4 pm 11 am – 1 pm |
Artist Notification (by email) | Tuesday | April 24 | (by 5 pm) |
Art pickup: Non-selected works | Thursday Friday Tuesday |
April 26 April 27 May 1 |
1 – 3 pm 11 am – 4 pm 5:30 – 7:30 pm |
Exhibition OPENS | Thursday | April 26 | |
Roundtable Discussion Opening Reception |
Tuesday | May 1 | 4:00 pm |
5:30 – 7:30 pm | |||
Exhibition CLOSES | Thursday | May 24 | |
Art Pickup: Unsold works | Friday Saturday |
May 25 May 26 |
11 am – 4 pm 11 am – 1 pm |
Please note Entry Dates/Times carefully. Late delivery of artwork is not possible.
Gallery Policies/Requirements include:
- Accepted work must remain on view for the duration of the exhibition.
- Artists agree to make a 30% tax-deductible donation to OHCA from all sales.
- While all reasonable care is taken with submitted artwork, OHCA strongly recommends that exhibiting artists carry their own insurance. OHCA and representatives will not assume any liability for any damage or loss.
- By submitting work, artists agree that photographic images and/or video of the artist and/or their artwork, in whole or in part, may be used by OHCA for publicity in various forms including print, online and social media.
About the Jurors: Sue Walden & Peller Marion
Sue Walden, founder of ImprovWorks! has a BA/Education, 30 years of teaching/performing/directing improvisational theater, plus 38 years of adapting and widely applying improvisation principles/skills for corporations, coaches and individuals. Author of Working with Groups to Enhance Relationships and Yes And Your Mental Ability, Sue’s current passions are (1) training trainers, (2) assisting facilitators to design deep-impact interactive learning programs, and (3) helping people build the skills to navigate successfully in the current VUCA global climate (volatile, uncertain, chaotic, ambiguous).
Peller Marion is the author of Shopping Lessons, Searching for the G Spot, Crisis-Proof Your Career, Career Tune-Up, and a forthcoming book called Age of Grace, Challenges to Attaining Elder Wisdom. Peller earned her MFA in fine arts at University of Washington and is on the faculty of Dominican College MBA Strategic Leadership. She also has a doctorate in psychology from University of Massachusetts in Amherst. She has led workshops at Esalen Institute and Book Passage in Corte Madera and leads workshops nationally. She was an artist in residence in Rhode Island and Massachusetts schools. Peller has been a member of OHCA since 1988, and is currently serving on the Board as Treasurer, and Chair of the Exhibition Committee.
For more info: Contact Center Director: Kellan Christopher at 415.388.4331 or
Postcard Artwork: Peller Marion, Design: Jeremy Thornton
Titles, Descriptions & Jurors of future exhibitions subject to change. Please subscribe to our Newsletter to receive our Calls for Entries via email.
The mission of O’Hanlon Center for the Arts is to provide programs, studio space, exhibitions and experiences that honor individual creativity, develop artistic practice, and build community.
- June 2018 • “Who Am I?” (Unique self-portraiture)
- July 2018 • “Tell Me a Story” (Online submissions)
- Aug 2018 • “Bay Area Women Artists” (Online submissions)