Sketchbook Explorations

Facilitated by Naomi Tamura and Jackie La Lanne.

Bring your creativity, curiosity, and willingness to get your hands messy—your sketchbook adventure awaits!
$180 for members and $240 for non-members
$25 materials fee
6-10 Adults
February 21 & 28, 10-2pm.


Series Passes

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Sketchbook Explorations. Members
Sketchbook Explorations Facilitated by Naomi Tamura and Jackie La Lanne. $180 for members $25 materials fee 6-10 Adults February 21 & 28, 10-2pm.
$ 180.00
7 available
Sketchbook Explorations. Non-Members
Sketchbook Explorations Facilitated by Naomi Tamura and Jackie La Lanne. Bring your creativity, curiosity, and willingness to get your hands messy—your sketchbook adventure awaits! $240 for non-members $25 materials fee 6-10 Adults February 21 & 28, 10-2pm.
$ 240.00
7 available