In Person In Gallery Show
18th Annual Wabi-Sabi Exhibition
Juried by Naomi Kubota Lee
O’Hanlon Center Gallery
September 14 – November 2, 2022
Tuesday October 4:
Roundtable at 4 p.m. Reception at 5:30 p.m.

O’Hanlon Center for the Arts invites you to submit work for our 18th Annual Wabi-Sabi Exhibition juried by Naomi Kubota Lee
“…celebrating the simple, the rustic, the unassuming; the dignity of things imperfect, uncontrolled and incomplete; the transient beauty of the natural world…”
When seeking to understand Wabi-Sabi, it is helpful to contemplate the idea that beauty is inherent in a simple object, which in turn evokes a quiet, thoughtful mood and atmosphere. The emphasis of this exhibit will be not on the final perfected form of the work, but on how well pieces reflect a sense and feeling of this elusive concept. In particular, the focus will be on the imaginative use of natural materials that may include found objects.
See the Wabi-Sabi portion of the OHCA website for inspiration and more resources:
O’Hanlon Center for the Arts emphasizes the creative process and the continued pursuit of meaning and authenticity through observation, exploration, and experimentation.
Contemporary, expressionistic, abstract, exploratory, and/or experimental entries encouraged.
MEDIA: All Media
- Open to all artists aged 16 and over
- Submission limit: Three works per artist
- Please do not submit works previously displayed in the O’Hanlon Gallery
- All work must be ready for display. Paint, glue, etc. must be dry!
- Wall hung pieces must be securely wired.
- Label all work with Artist’s name, Telephone, Medium, Size & Price, if for sale.
- Bring resume and/or artist statement, if desired. (2 pages max.)
- On Entry Dates shown below, please hand-deliver (no digital submissions) up to three pieces of work to: O’Hanlon Center for the Arts, 616 Throckmorton Avenue, Mill Valley CA 94941
- Fee: $40 for up to 3 works, $30 for Artist Level OHCA members
Drop off Entry Dates
Friday Sept. 9 from 10 am to 3 pm
Saturday Sept 10 from 10 am to 1pm
Pick up non-selected works
Sept 13 – 17 10 am to 1 pm
Exhibition Dates
Sept 14 – Nov 2
Artist Roundtable Discussion
Tuesday Oct 4 at 4:00 pm – Reception to follow
Art Pick up of unsold works
Nov 3, 4 and 5 from 10 am to 1 pm
Contact O’Hanlon Staff at 415.388.4331 or
Born in Northern California and raised in Mill Valley, where I currently have my art studio.
My practice of Wabi-Sabi sculpture evolved from the attraction to the materials from nature, and their inherit beauty and meaning. Fiber Sculpture college classes further that love of working in a tactile three dimensional way. Later, I taught Wabi Sabi workshops and juried at O’Hanlon Center for the Arts for their annual wabi sabi exhibits.
In looking way back, the inspirational fountain of my Wabi Sabi art practice was the influence of my Japanese American upbringing and culture; finding elegance and meaning in nature. Similar to haiku, which reflects the changing seasons and meaning in words, wabi sabi sculpture embodies this in an art form, using materials like worn river rocks, scattered autumn leaves, tree bark and fibers, rice paper, a feather…
My art practice also encompasses painting colorful abstracts and fiber art. I have exhibited in college, civic, public venues; non-profit, university research center as well as private collections. My work has been featured on international CD jackets and also commissioned work. I have a UC Berkeley Fine Arts (Honors Program) and Social Science Field (Highest Honors).
For more info and examples:
Postcard Art: Naomi Kubota Lee. Design: JFT
Gallery Policies/Requirements include:
- Accepted work must remain on view for the duration of the exhibition.
- Artists agree to make a 30% tax-deductible donation to OHCA from all sales.
- While all reasonable care is taken with submitted artwork, OHCA strongly recommends that exhibiting artists carry their own insurance. OHCA and representatives will not assume any liability for any damage or loss.
- By submitting work, artists agree that photographic images and/or video of the artist and/or their artwork, in whole or in part, may be used by OHCA for publicity in various forms including print, online and social media.
- For most exhibits, not all artists will have artwork selected for showing. Final artwork selections are up to the Exhibit Juror(s) and/or Installer/curator, both of which vary from show to show.
- Accepted work must remain on view for the duration of the exhibition.
- Artists agree to make a 30% tax-deductible donation to OHCA from all sales.
- While all reasonable care is taken with submitted artwork, OHCA strongly recommends that exhibiting artists carry their own insurance. OHCA and representatives will not assume any liability for any damage or loss.
- By submitting work, artists agree that photographic images and/or video of the artist and/or their artwork, in whole or in part, may be used by OHCA for publicity in various forms including print, online and social media.