Creative Writing w/ ABBY WASSERMAN
For all writers. The process is supportive and not academic. Our goal is to elicit strong, beautiful, honest writing through encouragement, feedback, and practice.
For all writers. The process is supportive and not academic. Our goal is to elicit strong, beautiful, honest writing through encouragement, feedback, and practice.
Join with OHCA resident poet Cruwys Brown and 2010-2012 Poet Laureate of Marin County, CB Follett for an afternoon of poetry exploration, reading and discussion.
This drop-in and on-going Zoom group requires no experience. All you need to bring is a notebook and a pen. Peller will bring the instruction, inspiration, safe space, writing and art prompts.
O'Hanlon's annual reading by writers of all levels is always a fresh delight. Includes writers from Abby Wasserman's writing workshops.
An adventurous mix of writing and some art too. Free drop-in event via Zoom
Host: Mark Meierding
Readers: Lonner Holden, Maxine Flasher-Düzgünes, Jan Seagrave, Gabrielle Rilleau, Elizabeth Underwood, Gail Entrekin, Laurel Feigenbaum
Drawing on Wabi-Sabi perspectives, mindfulness practices and specific pen to paper writing exercises, we will use meditative techniques and evocative writing prompts.
Please join us at a book reading and signing for Potter Wickware’s newly released book “Selected Writings”"Selected Writings: Potter Wickware" is a compendium of published and unpublished work by an […]
O'Hanlon's annual reading by writers of all levels is always a fresh delight. Includes writers from Abby Wasserman's writing workshops.
O'Hanlon's annual reading by writers of all levels is always a fresh delight. Includes writers from Abby Wasserman's writing workshops.
Please join us for an evening of readings from three very talented Marin authors: Molly Giles, Katy Butler and Abby Wasserman.
Join us to celebrate Bridget Quinn's newest book:
Portrait of a Woman: Art, Rivalry & Revolution in the Life of Adélaïde Labille-Guiard
Poetry in the Gallery! This summer, MPC members will perform their work in venues all over the Bay Area including O'Hanlon Center. Event is free. Just come by!
“We learn nothing from the things we know.” John Cage Wabi-Sabi focuses on the wisdom of Nature, sensory experience, intuition and an appreciation of the evanescence of life. Wabi Sabi perspectives remind […]
Have you ever wanted to write your life story, but do not know how to proceed? Register to Jill Morris's Memoir Writing - Taster Class.
In this 6 week memoir writing workshop you will begin, continue or finish the journey of writing your memoir.
Jill Morris will host a 'just write' drop-in weekly.